Lecture Notes Science Program 26.2.2008 at 3-5pm


Lecture Venue and Time:


Lecture Topic:





Rosseni Din
BSc. CIS (Ohio), MEd. CompEd. (UKM)
PhD Candidate in Information System (UKM)
email: rosseni@yahoo.com
webpage: http://akademik.ukm.my/rosseni/
blog: https://rosseni.wordpress.com/

Faculty of Education
University Kebangsaan Malaysia

About Rosseni

Educational Technology - Akademik Tarbiyyatul Qalbi - Diri Tarbiyyatul Aulad - Keluarga
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67 Responses to Lecture Notes Science Program 26.2.2008 at 3-5pm

  1. Mohamad Saiful Bin Mohamad Sabri says:

    Assalamualaikum Puan Rosseni kenapa nota kuliah dalam bentuk Word tak dapat di buka? sudah berkali-kali saya mencuba tetapi gagal.

  2. masz says:

    just nw sy tgh dwnload note ppt tp xbole buka..thanx

  3. Cikgu says:

    ok2. maaf ye smlm tak sempat nak respon. Saya dah cuba download dan buka takada apa2 masalah, cuma mungkin kat sana lambat sikit nak download maka masa dia tgh download tu terganggu ke. Takpe2. Nanti saya convert ke PDF. Biasa kalau PDF dia laju sikit dan data tak corrupt. Nanti awak cuba semula ye! TQ>


  4. esther224 says:

    Good afternoon Madam Rosseni, I am Lee Mee Siew, you can call me esther.I am a science student of second year, majoring in chemistry. I just finished doing my wordpress blog.
    my blog website is esther224.wordpress.com
    thanks ya nad have a nice day~^^

  5. salehah says:

    assalamualaikum Pn. Rosseni, I am Salehah bt Ismail. .I am a science student of second year, majoring in physics. I just finished doing my wordpress blog.
    my blog website is solibaim.wordpress.com

  6. priscilla says:

    pn rosseni, i’m a 2nd year science student. i couldnt open d documents either… i hv also set up my blog at pris08.wordpress.com. thanx

  7. Cikgu says:

    Congratulation Salehah! I have link your blog to mine. Keep up the good work and hopefully the next time around when i visit the blog you have more to offer and i have some interesting reflections to read. Happy Blogging, hope you enjoy the task!

  8. Cikgu says:

    Congratulation to you too Priscilla, I went through it and left 2 comments. Nice theme you picked up. I like it. Keep up the good work and hope to be able to read your daily/weekly reflections the next time i come by.

  9. yanieshaari says:

    salam puan..i’ve just register my blog at wordpress and hope that you would link my blog to yours and comment my post. thx. =)

  10. catherine says:

    Hello~ Pn Rosseni, I am Catherine See. I’m a second year science student, majoring in mathematics. I had set up my blog at catcatsee.wordpress.com. However, the blog not edited as what I’m satisfied yet due to poor connection in my college. Please feel free to leave any comment so that I can improve myself. Thanks! (^^,)

  11. nareeyah says:

    Assalamualaikum puan
    saya dah register blog, tapi masih dalam proses pengubahsuaian.


    terima kasih.

  12. csyee says:

    hello madam Rosseni. i am Chong Se Yee. I am second year student. i’ve just set up my blog at wordpress.my blog address is http://csyee.wordpress.com

  13. acasia says:

    Puan Rosseni, actually I’m enjoying the task. Blogging is one of my interest. We’re the same, can’t live without internet. =) I hope you’re not mad at me because of my posting on reflection on week 8 lecture. i was just writing what i felt at that time. But actually I love blogging. I used to have a blog using Bloggers, but may be I felt so much stress because this blog is an assignment, not like my previous blog which was created only for fun. I think there is no problem to evaluate this task on week 12. It’s just that I have difficulty when I want to connect to the internet to work with my blog because I don’t have internet connection in my room. But now I’m taking this positively, I have good reason to go to the cc, not only for checking my friendster or chatting. =) Thank you, Puan Rosseni.

  14. Siewyee says:

    Hi, Pn Rosseni, im Siew Yee, second year science student, just wanna inform Pn that I had set up my blog at happyevil.wordpress.com but i have no time to leave any reflection yet because busy preparing my coming exam. I will update my blog after finish my exam.

  15. kia yong says:

    Hi, Pn Rosseni. My name is Tan Kia Yong. I’m second year science student , majoring physics. i have set up my blog yesterday at wordpress.com. My blog website is http://kiayong.wordpress.com.
    Thanks you.

  16. kia yong says:

    Sorry Puan Rosseni. may you show me the place where to edit the the commen which my fren write the commen, i dnt need to approve it again. Puan have teach during the class, but i forgt where is it ord. i try to seach for a time, but still dint find it. v.sorry abt that.

  17. kia yong says:

    Hi, Puan Rosseni. i found where is it ord. So juz can igone the comment juz nw. thanks you.

  18. puterianne says:

    assalamualaikum puan,

    saya dah register my own blog..

    this is my blog address~



  19. woanyeen says:

    good morning Dr! im 2nd year student.n i hav create my blog. http://www.woanyeen.wordpress.com.but i havent desidn it.Give me some times….hehe.

    woan yeen (A114176)

  20. radiah says:

    assalamualaikum Pn Rosseni. saya baru je daftar blog. Tapi saya xx create ape2 lagi. Syukran

  21. mkaeru says:

    Salam Pn Rosseni..
    im Sabariah bte Kadim, (A113698) Biology student.. i’ve already create my blog at mkaeru.wordpress.com. there’s nothing much in there right now but then i intend to upgrade it in the mean time. lastly, im sorry for the lateness.

  22. Cikgu says:

    maaf ye semua, saya baru selesai berbengkel semalam. Ingat nak buka tapi lepas maghrib terus pengsan sampai jam 4 pagi. BTW, saya cuba jawab sekali semua kat komen ni ya.

    o no…sorry i forgot our PKP students from China don’t understand non-formal Malay. I will continue in English

    Saiful dan marz:
    I have checked both files, no problem so i left it as it was. I hope you manage to download them by now. Otherwise, copy from your friends. 🙂

    Esther, Priscilla, Salehah, Yanie:
    I think I have drop some comments in your blog. I will see you again at your blogs after finishing my visits to the new blogs which I just received the URLs today. While I am on my visit to other blogs, keep on visiting yours and others for more ideas on your contents an make up and don’t forget the reflections. Looking forward to read them. 🙂

    Cat, Nareeyah and Chong See Ye:
    I will link your blog to mine and visit them after this. Good work and keep on going with more contents and make-up. 🙂


    O please don’t worry about it my dear. Remember I am a student myself. The thought of having more assignments just make me stress out but most of the time as time goes by and when i manage to get it started and make some progress I will start to enjoy them.

    But I also regret that you have to pay to use the Internet. Internet should be free for all students in campus. I always do my assignments near FTSM, Pusat Komputer and Pusat Islam. I am sure there are more wireless spots in campus.

    And I always get free wireless connections in campus. Only once i went to cc at Kolej Dato’ Onn when Pusat Komputer was down back in 2006. Even yesterday and Friday during the workshops I attended at Puri Pujangga I manage to get free wireless Internet (but not enough time to respond to all these comments 😦 huhu…we had too many assignments for the workshop but i did enjoy myself though learning new things about Structural Equation Modelling using the AMOS software). I don’t know what I’ll do if I can’t get it free. I use Internet a lot when in campus. It would have cost me a fortune.

    Do talk to the person in charge of wireless connections in your kolej. I am sure something could be done. The university was upgraded to Research University last year and we have grant for things like this, it is just that someone right have to go meet the right person and I am sure it would be provided to you. It is just ridiculous at this age of time for such a prestigous university like ours not to be able to provide free wireless Internet connection.

    Another thing that i always do to get free Internet connections is to hang out with my family at restaurants with free wireless connections (You need to ask the password from them but they will give it free – but not all restaurants though). Not that i can’t do it at home but if i have too much things to do and the kids want to eat out (read as = i don’t have enough time to cook healthy food for dinner 😦 huhu, lucky my husband don’t mind eating out once in a while) that’s what i do and i think you can too. In Bangi we always go to Kopitiam Bangi at Section 9 across Masjid Jamek and opposite Al-Ikhsan the Sports Store.

    There is another restaurant with free wireless Internet connections which my kids prefer compared to Kopitiam. This is because they can watch soccer on big screen. The restaurant name is TJ PitStop. It serves quite a variety of food from Roti Canai, Nasi Goreng, Kerang Rebus, Bubur Durian and all kinds of fruit drinks and the usuals. The price is quite reasonable. It is in Teras Jernang across Masjid Teras Jernang near MFI (Malaysian France Institute) and KPTM (Kolej PoliTeknik MaRA).

    All the best. I hope you will not be scared to jot down your sincere thoughts any more after this. Please be free and enjoy the task. It was definitely not meant to punish you whatsoever. 🙂

    Siew Yee:

    Don’t worry about it dear. Concentrate on your exam for now. You have at least 3 more weeks. Even if you can’t get it done by the 12th week just let me know. I will be happy to give you another week extension without penalty. Just enjoy the project and be free to reflect and hopefully you will gain something useful from it. 🙂

    Kia Yee:
    Sorry Kia Yee, I only manage to be here today. I was attending a course when you wrote the three comments on the 29th. I am glad that you manage to solve the problem though. Keep up the good work. I will visit you blog after this. 🙂

    Puteri Anne:
    Ok Anne. I will drop a visit over to your blog after responding to all the comments here. Congratulation and keep up the good work! 🙂

    Woan Yeen:

    Of course dear. Let me know if you need more time after the 12th week. I’ll be happy to extend the dateline to another week without penalty provided you do it nicely, creatively and write your reflections critically, ok. Keep on going, you will reach the end of the tunnel very3 soon! 🙂

    Ok radiah.
    No problem. Nanti hantar URL kalau nak saya comment sebelum dateline akhir ye! Tahniah dan teruskan usaha, semoga tercipta blog indah yang bermanfaat bukan hanya untuk kursus ini tetapi seterusnya selagi ada ilmu yang boleh diikat dengan penulisan dan boleh dimanfatkan bersama. 🙂

  23. Cikgu says:

    No worries Sabariah. It really is not that late yet. You have your own priorities, i understand. Let me know if u need help ok? Keep up the good work! 🙂

  24. g73596zhangli says:

    good evening, i am betty. last lecture, you have taught us a lot of things about the BLOG, and i decorated my BLOG for whole afternoon. i think my BLOG become better now.

  25. banana1007 says:

    dear dr.
    thank you for teaching us!
    i like your lecture very much!

  26. Cikgu says:

    Nareeyah & See Ye,

    I think both of you haven’t set up so comments need not be approvved. I made some comments but it does not appear. Go to your dashboard, select option and change set. Refer to comments topic in eKuliah or go straight to the wordpress tutorial.

  27. Cikgu says:

    That’s very good Betty, i will visit it again then. I am glad that the lecture give you some knowledge to make your blog more interesting and more importantly motivating for you to do your reflections not only as a requirement for the course but for your life long learning and teaching commitment. I am sure you’ll make a good teacher! Keep up the good work!


  28. Cikgu says:

    Banana1007, sorry I can’t remember your real name. I tried to follow the link banana1007 to jog my memory of you because i do remember going through your blog before, but the link did not bring me to your blog.

    This is maybe due to the fact that you did not login first to your blog before you go into my blog. Otherwise it should automatically bring me to your blog when i click your login banana1007 at my comment section. So next time you open up your notebook, login to your blog first and get into mine through the link to my blog in yours.

    Whatever, good work and keep it up! Make full use of it not only for this course but also for other courses. You can add links for your other courses too if you have the time. Not necessarily now but maybe during the semester break later.

    All the best and thank you for giving me the full attention in class. Otherwise with my not so good presentation skill i don’t think you would like the lecture. I wish you the best and with your attitude, I am sure you will be an excellent student!


  29. kuchalana says:

    Good work Cikgu,

    Educating the student with this blog world. Bukak minda org kata. This medium will be a needs in the future.

    There is few issues that could be good to be elaborate or discuss futher in your future entry. This people need to be educate more on the subject as below. I think you can start to create an educate and ethical blogger in this blogsphere. You have the platform to do so. 🙂

    1. Ethics as blogger
    2. Common rules as bloggers
    3. Blogger and Crime
    4. Blog Security
    5. How to get readers to your blog.
    6. Blog as marketing tools
    7. Articale/Entry Rules (Plagiarism etc)
    8. Blog Genre (political, marketing, diary, education ect)

    Blogging is not a matter of sharing opinion i think. It can be a good medium as propaganda as well and can be a good teaching tools.

    Keep up a good work.


  30. miszsueatie says:

    asslmmualaikum cikgu..sy 2nd year science student…sy da buat blog 2..miszsueatie.wordpress.com
    hopefully,,cikgu bleh la g jenguk2…=)

  31. miszsueatie says:

    asslmmualaikum…cikgu,,sy 2nd year science student..sy da wat blog da,,hopefully cikgu dpt la jenguk2…miszsueatie.wordpress.com =)

  32. Cikgu says:

    Dear Mr. Kuchalana:

    I appreciate and value your opinion very much. In fact I am honoured than someone from a profession other than education would be willing to give such marvelous idea. InsyaAllah I definitely will do that as time goes by. In my first lecture I did went through with them a little about Nettiquette and the 7 Virtues of Blogging as in my lecture notes attach to this entry. But your suggestion covers a lot more and I sure will act on them hopefully real soon. Thanks again!


    ok dear, i will pay a visit real soon. Congratulation on having accomplished the first task. Keep up the good work!


  33. di884 says:

    Dear dr. Rosseni,
    Good afternoon!
    I’m your Chinese student SITI (Shi Di), I built my blog accroding your suggestions in your articles. It’s really helpful for me! Today, when I visited here, I didn’t found my URL in your blog, so I really hope you may add me, come and have a look in my blog when you have spare time cause I worked hard on it.
    Best Wishes for you~!

  34. Cikgu says:

    Sure Siti, I will add you on, i think this is the first time i receive a comment from you that’s why you are not in the student link yet. I am very glad that the notes were helpful to you. Let me know if you need help with other features. I will try my best to post some help if i know otherwise i may redirect you to the wordpress tutorial.

    No worries, i shall add you on real soon. Wait for my visit ok. BTW you are from the PKP TESL China-UKM group right? Keep up the good work 🙂

  35. catcatsee says:

    Dr. Rosseni, i don’t know whether i’m on the right path in doing this assignment. Hope you can give some comment as guidance. My blog is

    –> http://catcatsee.wordpress.com

    Thank you very much! ^^

  36. ayien88 says:

    hai Cikgu….
    saya students Thinking Skills In Education..saya dah sign up blog yang cikgu ajar last week..harap cikgu blh view blog saya…ayien88.wordpress.com

  37. payid says:

    hai cikgu…
    saya farid..
    baru buat wordpress….tengah edit2 and upgrade..hehe…
    nak blajo tukar theme cantik2….
    cikgu tengok la blog saya..payid.wordpress.com

    cikgu bagi la komen…saya tak pandai nak bubuh kalendar la…ajar la saya…hihi

  38. azren says:

    assalamualaikum cekgu…
    saya, azren asmaliana bt mohd ayob dah sign up wordpress saya. addrenn http://nerza.wordpress. best juga benda ni..thanx for introducing these new technology to me…

  39. rashidahcantik says:

    assalamualaikum cikgu..
    saya dah buat blog, tapi masih tak berapa faham macam mana nak manage blog ni..
    blog saya http://www.rashidahcantik.wordpress.com

  40. Cikgu says:

    I have left some messages in your blog. I think you are getting along just fine. Keep up the good work. 🙂

    Cantik theme tu. Saya ada komen pada posting pertama tu. Tapi untuk 2 pages yang Ayien dah buat tu saya tak nampak ruang untuk buat komen. Adakah memang begitu design theme itu? Ayien kene buat try out sikit la kat situ ye. Mungkin juga Ayien boleh try tuka theme lain tengok samada page Ayien tu boleh dikomen tak. Kalau masih sama mungkin ada silap kat set up mana2. 🙂


    Saya try URL tu. Tak dapat. Saya try pula http://azren.wordpress.com/ baru boleh masuk. Saya ada tinggalkan komen di blog azren 🙂


    So far so good. Theme dah cantik. Page dah ada. Tinggal nak tambah2 wekly reflection dan mungkin links atau lain2 widget yang menarik. Tahniah dan teruskan usaha! 🙂


    Nampak ok je tapi saya tak dapat tinggalkan komen pada kotak komen yang disediakan. Kenapa ye? Cuba Farid tukar theme lain. Tengok samada komen boleh dibuat. Jika tidak mungkin ada silap masa set up. Cuba2 la Farid ye, kalau ada masalah hubungi saya di blog ni atau terus pergi ke wordpress tutorial.

    Tahniah, teruskan usaha! 🙂

  41. kalyanee says:

    good afternoon Pn.Rosseni. I jus created my blog in wordpress. the address is http://kalyanee.wordpress.com. I’ll try try to upgrade it.

  42. Rosseni says:

    Good work Kalyanee, now you have accomplished task 1. You can easily accomplish Task 2 by clicking the About Page and overwrite the contents including the title if u like. I will visit it again soon. 🙂

  43. kalyanee says:

    Hi Pn Rosseni,
    How are you. Hope your are enjoying your holiday.. Bye then….

  44. Rosseni says:

    Hi Kalyanee, thanks for dropping by. I am still working on my data collection for my PhD work. Make good wishes for me ok?

  45. kalyanee says:

    Hi Pn Rosseni.. I find out that my name has not been cited under blogging for critical thinking yet.. Will you check it out please. THANKS and have a nice day.

  46. Rosseni says:

    i will do that very soon. thanks for reminding me.


  47. jozi4 says:

    assalamualaikum pn rosseni..
    sy studnt sc-tesl untuk critial thinking..
    sy nak tanye bagaimana sy nk link blog sy dgn blog pn rosseni.
    then, mcm mane sy nk buat tajuk bwh kategori

  48. cale7 says:

    I am Caleb Ling from science program, please visit my blog, http://cale7.wordpress.com

  49. Rosseni says:


    Saya dah lawati blog itu. Tahniah. Ada masa nanti2 boleh tambah lagi entri. Saya ada komen sikit tapi katanya awaiting moderation. Nanti pergi ke dashboard, pilih comments dan click pada appprove ye! Teruskan usaha! 🙂 Oh ya, saya berkenan gambar banner Yuzaila tu, gambar ambil sendiri ke atau memang gambar dari theme yang dipilih?

    Caleb Ling:

    Same as Jozi4. I visited and commented but the comment would not show. Please approve my comment and make sure you set so anybody can comment without the need to register. This you need to go to setting upon entering the dashboard. Keep up the good work! 🙂

  50. yanie87 says:

    sy dh sign up wordpress tp msh dlm pengubahsuaian.maaf ye kalo lewat. yanie87.wordpress.com

  51. Cikgu says:

    no problem yanie teruskan perjuangan, saya masih belum habis pun yang PKP TESL group. you still have at least a couple of days. All the best, i hope it is not too much of a headache dan harapnya jangan lah pembinaan blog tu hanya untuk tujuan tugasan aje ya…keep it up for your own personal archive of work and thoughts 🙂 all the best and enjoy the holidays.

  52. rashidahcantik says:

    assalamualaikum cikgu…
    i want to send my blog url for ccts assignment…

    my blog url : rashidahcantik.wordpress.com
    name: rashidah bte juraini
    matric no: A114067

    i will keep blogging after this…
    hope cikgu can give opinion about my blog..
    terima kasih cikgu…

  53. payid says:

    assalamualaikum cikgu..
    i want to send my blog too..

    name: fariduddin bin othman
    matric no: A113990
    url : payid.wordpress.com

    thank you cikgu..

  54. Cikgu says:

    Shidah dan Farid:
    Untuk blog baru kira ok lah dua2 tu. Saya bagi Shidah 2+2+1+1.5+1=7.5=75% dan Farid 2+2+2+0+1.5=7.5=75%. Kira2 lebihkurang A-, power la tu kalau ikutkan dak?. Tapi untuk maintain dan menjadi blog yang dirujuk Shidah kena usaha banyak sikit la ye dari aspek kandungan dan komunikasi (kalau dapat respon dari pengunjung kena rajin2 jawab hehe..saya pun lambat gak jawab 😉 ) dan Farid kena la tambah sikit links dan widget. Komen tu untuk masa depan kalau nak improve dan maintain, saya harap diperbaiki, ditambah dan diteruskan ye. Salam cuti semoga bahagia tak payah menelek buku sesekejap ni… 🙂

  55. zirconia says:

    saya dah update kandungan blog saya..cikgu boleh check kat http://www.zirconia.wordpress.com..saya nak tau jugak markah yg saya boleh dapat..hehe..
    zulaikha zulkflee
    B. Ed. TESL

  56. rashidahcantik says:

    assalamualaikum cikgu…
    thanks sbb bg saya 75%….actually,Alhamdulillah sgt2 sbb cikgu bg markah agak tggi untuk saya…
    saya tak faham sgt blog ni..tapi mash try2 explore lagi..
    sronok jgk blog ni…
    cume masih bnyk lg y tak tau..hehee..
    thanks untuk cikgu sbb knalkan saya pasal blog ni…

  57. yanie87 says:

    erm insyaAllah sy akn try the best tuk upgrade blog ni bkn tuk assignment je. nk tny skit nape sy bleh wat about me.dh banyak kali cube. dh tulis tp biler view site still kuar mende lain. kalo ade mase puan tlgla ek. tp sy still try lg ni.k hope dpt trs kontek…take care..

  58. Cikgu says:

    masa yanie write to yanie pilih write post ke write page? about tu kena pilih write page…cuba la kejap insyaAllah jadi…nanti saya tengok

  59. Cikgu says:

    takpe la Shidah belajar sikit2. markah tu kriteria saya simple je. kalau ada 5 task tu 2 setiap satu, asal ada saya bagi full, kalau yang saya minta 5 tu ada 2 atau 3 pun saya bagi 1 markah…dan begitu lah seterusnya tapi kalau tak ada kriteria yang saya tentukan tu tak dapat la nak tolong …apa pun teruskan memblog ye!

  60. rashidahcantik says:

    InsyaAllah saye trus memblog..hehehe…sbena,5 task tu ader y kate kene ikut chapter 1 hingga 5..tapi saya buat jer…saya tak tau y mana satu btol..sbb pasal blog ni,bnyk sgt cakap2 org..ada y kata lain..tanya2 lg,jwpnnya lain lg..jadi,saya buat ikut y saya paham…terima kasih eh cikgu…

  61. rosseni din says:

    Bagus tu Shidah,
    Ya teruskan perjuangan mencari diri…
    nanti diri akan tahu apa yang dituntut…
    apa pun…
    perjuangan menuntut pengorbanan…
    disitu nanti pasti kan ketemu cinta Ilahi…Amin.

  62. zirconia says:

    cikgu, sy nak tnya cikgu dah check tak blog sy? sy ade leave reply kat sini minta cikgu bg mark kat sy tp xjumpa cikgu dah reply ke x?

  63. rashidahcantik says:

    assalamualaikum cikgu….
    saya dah delete dah alamat tu…
    actually saya tak tau pun yang blog ni boleh jadi tatapan ramai org..sbb awalnya saya fikir blog ni just untuk task ccts course…pastu bleh delete account nye..tak sangka blog boleh jadi bahan untuk sampaikan ilmu or anything y berguna utk ramai org…
    saya dah bgtau kwn2 y ltk alamt kan blog diorg…ckgu tgglkan la komen untuk baiki blog sy ni lg..nampak kosong je…thanks cikgu..

  64. rosseni din says:


    Maaf lambat sikit balas. Saya nak hantar markah ke Dr. K pagi ni. Zirconia dpt 2+2+2+1.5+1.5=9/10=90%.

    WSL Shidah,

    ok alhamdulillah, saya dah masuk pun blog Shidah pagi ni, nak juga komen mulanya tapi 🙂 hehe takut pula menambahkan lagi kesedihan Shidah.

    Shidah jangan sedih2 tau. Apa yang lepas tu biarkan berlalu. Kuatkan tekad jadi anak solehah. Jika Shidah rajin boleh lawati blog saya untuk anak2 di http://tarbiyyatulaulad.blogspot.com mana tahu boleh dapat semangat baru.

    Memang anak2 remaja begitu. Mungkin perasaan ibu Shidah sedih. Tetapi kasih sayang tak mungkin akan berkurangan walau sebesar biji sawi di celah batu yang keras. Hanya sekadar sedih itu kan terbang ke langit jingga bersama desir bayu yang berlalu pergi…baca entri saya bawah kategori tu dan yang berkenaan, mungkin kalau tak dapat mengubat kesedihan akan dapat membawa Shidah ke perspektif pemikiran seorang ibu terhadap anak remajanya.

    Ibu2 ni tak banyak cakap hanya sekadar memendam perasaan kerana inginkan kejayaan anak2 takut nanti kita sedih2 tak berkat pula ilmu yang anak2 kita sedang tuntut maka ibu pasti melepas pergi apa jua kesedihan yang anaknya timbulkan seraya berdoa hanya kepadaNya agar alKhaliq memancarkan iman yang teguh agar anaknya tetap dijalanNya agar dapat mencapai kejayaan di dunia dan akhirat…dan kerana kasih ibu sentiasa tersemat di hati dalam apa jua keadaan.

    Sebab itu juga dalam alquran banyak firman Allah mengenai perlunya anak2 mentaati orang tua itupun jasa ibu walau senafas pun amat sukar dibalas dan sedikit sahaja mengenai ibubapa perlu berbuat baik terhadap anak2 dan yang ada itu kebanyakannya tentang larangan membunuh anak2 kerana takut rezeki berkurangan dan sebagainya…kerana Allah telah menjadikan fitrah ibu itu sendiri cukup untuk mengawalnya dari berbuat yang tak baik terhadap anak2nya apatah lagi dia telah mengandungkannya dan menyusukannya dalam keadaan lemah kini anaknya telah besar biarpun tidak dapat memberi apa2 kepadanya namun kebahagiaan melihat penat lelahnya dalam keadaan lemah itu berada di depan mata amat menakjubkan dan kesedihan itu akan berlalu pergi dengan mudah…maka itu bahagiakanlah hati insan bernama ibu (Rujuk tafsir Fi Zilalil Quran oleh Syed Qutb untuk surah Luqman:13-19 dan Tafsir Ibn Kathir), maklumat ada dalam http://pembangunaninsan.wordpress.com.

    Maaf Shidah, macam berceramah la pulak. Akhir kata ceria2 selalu, salam ukhuwah buat Shidah dan bonda tercinta…oh ya lupa nak cakap, markah Shidah dah Farid tu akhirnya yang saya akan hantar ni dah jadi 80%. Saya tambah 0.5 markah=5% untuk semua. Tapi markah2 ni sepertimana yang student beritau saya bahawa Dr. S kata tak ada markah maka saya rasa Dr. K hanya akan gunakan sebagai bonus point sahaja. Jika yg demikian saya mohon maaf menyebabkan pelajar2 rasa terbeban atas tugas ini, moga ini bukanlah sesuatu yang sia2 tetapi dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai ilmu sepanjang hayat. 🙂

  65. Cikgu says:


    Maaf lambat sikit balas. Saya nak hantar markah ke Dr. K pagi ni. Zirconia dpt 2+2+2+1.5+1.5=9/10=90%.

    WSL Shidah,

    ok alhamdulillah, saya dah masuk pun blog Shidah pagi ni, nak juga komen mulanya tapi hehe takut pula menambahkan lagi kesedihan Shidah.

    Shidah jangan sedih2 tau. Apa yang lepas tu biarkan berlalu. Kuatkan tekad jadi anak solehah. Jika Shidah rajin boleh lawati blog saya untuk anak2 di http://tarbiyyatulaulad.blogspot.com mana tahu boleh dapat semangat baru.

    Memang anak2 remaja begitu. Mungkin perasaan ibu Shidah sedih. Tetapi kasih sayang tak mungkin akan berkurangan walau sebesar biji sawi di celah batu yang keras. Hanya sekadar sedih itu kan terbang ke langit jingga bersama desir bayu yang berlalu pergi…baca entri saya bawah kategori tu dan yang berkenaan, mungkin kalau tak dapat mengubat kesedihan akan dapat membawa Shidah ke perspektif pemikiran seorang ibu terhadap anak remajanya.

    Ibu2 ni tak banyak cakap hanya sekadar memendam perasaan kerana inginkan kejayaan anak2 takut nanti kita sedih2 tak berkat pula ilmu yang anak2 kita sedang tuntut maka ibu pasti melepas pergi apa jua kesedihan yang anaknya timbulkan seraya berdoa hanya kepadaNya agar alKhaliq memancarkan iman yang teguh agar anaknya tetap dijalanNya agar dapat mencapai kejayaan di dunia dan akhirat…dan kerana kasih ibu sentiasa tersemat di hati dalam apa jua keadaan.

    Sebab itu juga dalam alquran banyak firman Allah mengenai perlunya anak2 mentaati orang tua itupun jasa ibu walau senafas pun amat sukar dibalas dan sedikit sahaja mengenai ibubapa perlu berbuat baik terhadap anak2 dan yang ada itu kebanyakannya tentang larangan membunuh anak2 kerana takut rezeki berkurangan dan sebagainya…kerana Allah telah menjadikan fitrah ibu itu sendiri cukup untuk mengawalnya dari berbuat yang tak baik terhadap anak2nya apatah lagi dia telah mengandungkannya dan menyusukannya dalam keadaan lemah kini anaknya telah besar biarpun tidak dapat memberi apa2 kepadanya namun kebahagiaan melihat penat lelahnya dalam keadaan lemah itu berada di depan mata amat menakjubkan dan kesedihan itu akan berlalu pergi dengan mudah…maka itu bahagiakanlah hati insan bernama ibu (Rujuk tafsir Fi Zilalil Quran oleh Syed Qutb untuk surah Luqman:13-19 dan Tafsir Ibn Kathir), maklumat ada dalam http://pembangunaninsan.wordpress.com.

    Maaf Shidah, macam berceramah la pulak. Akhir kata ceria2 selalu, salam ukhuwah buat Shidah dan bonda tercinta…oh ya lupa nak cakap, markah Shidah dah Farid tu akhirnya yang saya akan hantar ni dah jadi 80%. Saya tambah 0.5 markah=5% untuk semua. Tapi markah2 ni sepertimana yang student beritau saya bahawa Dr. S kata tak ada markah maka saya rasa Dr. K hanya akan gunakan sebagai bonus point sahaja. Jika yg demikian saya mohon maaf menyebabkan pelajar2 rasa terbeban atas tugas ini, moga ini bukanlah sesuatu yang sia2 tetapi dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai ilmu sepanjang hayat.

  66. rashidahcantik says:

    thanks cikgu…panjang ceramah cikgu untuk saya…tapi syukurlah sbb saya antara org y beruntung dpt ceramah…bukan senang org nak ambil brat pasal kiter kan..terima kasih juga dri saya n farid sbb naikkan markah kami…farid smlam kate die tak kesah buat blog ni..die suke..die kater terpulang pd dr S nak masukkan markah blog ni atau tidak..kalu tak masuk markah blog die dapat A,Alhamdulillah..tapi kalu tak A tapi bile masukkan mrkah blog jd A,masukkanlah..saya pun harap kami dpt A untuk CCTS…sbb sem ni kami usaha lebih untuk naikkan pointer..harap2 Allah bantu kami untuk dapat markah y lebih baik…InsyaAllah..

  67. Cikgu says:


    hehe syukurlah Shidah tak tension pula jadinya… itu ceramah seorang ibu bukan guru 🙂 … Saya seronok ajar group ni, ada rasa sense of belonging sebab saya bukan hanya anggap tapi saya merasakan Shidah semua macam anak2 saya sendiri kerana batch ni sebaya anak saya yang sedang buat accounting 2nd year juga di UoA.

    Dr K dah terima markah yang saya hantar pada 22.5.08. Group TESL PKP tak ada masalah, markah mereka dikira seperti yang dijanjikan. Group mainstream UKM ni, dia kata “…of course dia akan gunakan untuk (tambahkan bilangan) A dan (naikkan gred bagi mereka yang ada dalam) borderline cases“.

    Walaupun saya harapkan lebih dari itu namun saya boleh terima dan faham juga masalah dia. Saya rasa itu cukup adil dan menjawab doa dan harapan saya agar pelajar2 yang buat ni diambilkira kerjanya dgn cara yang menurut kebijaksanaan dan budibicaranya. Saya boleh terima keputusan itu. Saya harap pelajar2 pun begitu.

    Saya tahu bonus tu mungkin ada yang rasa tak setimpal dengan wang dan masa yang telah diluangkan tetapi jika kita anggap itu sebagai ilmu yang boleh digunakan sepanjang hayat dan ilmu yang boleh memberi manfaat, ganjarannya pasti Allah beri bukan dalam bentuk markah tetapi dalam cara yang hanya dia yang Maha Bijaksana lagi Maha Kaya mampu memikirkan cara yang lebih baik untuk diberikan. 🙂 Wallahualam fissawab. Saya doakan moga Allah permudahkan Shidah, Farid dan rakan2 semua memperoleh keputusan yang dapat membahagiakan mak ayah di kampung (atau di pekan 🙂 ).

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