
Comments let people share their ideas.

Sometimes, they are really good that it spurs more good ideas.

Sometimes, it might not be so good, you can improvise on it.

Sometimes it is a nuisance and stir-up trouble.  You can ask such people who create these comments to shut up in a nice way . Most of the times, they will and if they don’t you can delete their comments.

Blogging is like the real life, can be both fun and not so fun at times.

Be prepared.  

You may want to give your personal email or a place to contact you in private if they want to write to you.

Most IMPORTANTly is, be  sure to open up your OPTIONS by setting up your blog in such a way that people may comment even without registering at your blog.  Have them key-in their email and maybe blog’s URL for future reference.  That should be more than enough.

To do that, click options and go to discussions.  You can do this at the administration panel or the dashboard.  Under discussion tick the option to let people give their comments and also to allow comments get into the discussion without moderation.  Don’t forget to tick the option where people who comments need to key-in their email.  This is for future reference.

 For more details and visual demonstration, as usual go bact to the WordPress Tutorial link, the FAQ or the WordPress manual provided on the right side panel of my blog.  Have a good time blogging!


About Rosseni

Educational Technology - Akademik Tarbiyyatul Qalbi - Diri Tarbiyyatul Aulad - Keluarga
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26 Responses to Comments

  1. mohamad saiful bin mohamad sabri says:
  2. Cikgu says:

    congratulation on having accomplish to register the blog Saiful! Now write something to overwrite the default statements in your about page. Then you can start adding more pages if you like or start on your weekly reflection. Refer notes from my postings or ask your friends ok. Hope to see more in my next visit. Keep up the good work! 🙂

  3. linda2887 says:

    salam pn rosseni..i’m already registered this blog.i hope that you will help me in doing this blog puan if i’ve aby prob…thanks…

  4. Rosseni says:

    sure Linda, no problem. InsyaAllah i will try my very best to help. This does not mean for the course only, you can always ask me anything beyond the class, i will try my level best to answer what i know, otherwise maybe others would be able to help. 🙂

  5. linda2887 says:

    thank you puan…

  6. Rosseni says:

    you are welcome, dear. 🙂

  7. ryomie says:

    i dont know where to put my blog address. so i just put here
    i am Science-TESL UKM

  8. Rosseni says:

    Dear Ryomie,
    huhu! my comments still awaiting moderation but no worries. Now ryomie, go to your dashboard, select comments and click approve. good work!

  9. hanei says:

    Dear Pn. Rosseni,

    Pleased to inform you that I just created my blog and this is my blog add.

    I’m a student of TESL-UKM (thinking skills)

  10. Rosseni says:

    ok hanei, w will very soon, just came back from a course outside UKM. 🙂



  11. norazela says:

    assalamualaikum puan..i already registered my, i give u my url,

    my name norazela binti safien.
    A 114201
    student from ccts, Dr kamisah. sem 2 07/08

  12. atikah says:

    assalamualaikum puan..i’ve done registered my blog just now, i’ve tried so hard to finish it because i don’t really remember the steps. but hopefully you can reach out my blog at this url:

    my name Wan Atikah Wan Hassan
    Teslian Part 2 in CCTS Dr. Kamisah’s class.
    Thank you puan..

  13. assalamualaikum..

    this is my blog

    my name is nur asyima bt ahmad
    my matrix number is A115809

  14. Haneitha says:

    This is my blog url :

    Haneitha a/p Mohana Krishnan

  15. Cikgu says:

    Dear Zela, Syima, Haneitha and Atikah, thanks for the URL. Hope it was not too much of a headache. All the best! 🙂

  16. nadiahtesl86 says:

    Assalamualaikum, Puan,
    I have already registered a blog using this WordPress. My personal details are:
    Nadiah Yahyauddin
    Tesl UKM Second Semester.

    By far, I have posted two topics in my blog. Feel free to explore. Also, I would like to know what kind of issues that I can post on my blog. I could post comments on other people’s blog too, right?

  17. Cikgu says:

    Dear Nadiah,

    Basically you can post reflections on just about anything under the sky. Yes, you can post comments in others blogs but i will take note only if i happen to browse that person’s blog. Maybe it would be easire to start up discussion if you invite some of your friends (i can be one too!) to drop by the blog and leave some comments or suggestion and you respond from there on. Let me get back to you, or better still let me give my opinion while exploring your blog now. 🙂

  18. dylah says:


  19. dylah says:

    Nor Adilah Binti Shukry

  20. aidiladha says:

    salam puan……

  21. faeza says:

    salam puan,
    this is my blog

    i am Siti Faezah Ahmad Sazali
    Tesl of UKM

  22. faeza says:

    why my comment didnt appear in my blog?
    n plz help me how to change the theme.

  23. faeza says:

    i just forgot this:do LOG IN if want to customize my blog.hehe.didnt notice this.sori la puan.

  24. Ng Sow Keen says:

    This is my new blog: i am quite sorry that i did my blog so late as i quite busy last few month.
    Name : Ng Sow Keen

  25. Pingback: GE2153 Reflection Week 4 « Another Miela Tahril

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